Always Adventuring
Hey y’all–Jess here. I wanted to reach out to my readers this week for a couple of different reasons. One, being to talk a little bit about the current situation we are all facing, but also to address the past, present, and future of my Adventure Blog! Here you have it: The Adventures of Life: Tips, Tricks, and Thankfulness.

We’re in This Together
The world we are living in today is far from what we are used to, but a lot of people are learning to adapt to this new ‘normal’. I genuinely believe that our society as a whole is making the best out of our current situation. Every time I check social media, although not all of the posts are positive, I see a lot more optimism than anticipated. I love the number of businesses that are helping people in need, like restaurants donating meals to healthcare workers. I think we can agree that this is unlike anything we have ever experienced before, but I find peace in the fact that we are all working through it together.

Dreaming of the Future
I try to do my best to live in the moment, but recently I have been dreaming of the future. I’ve been planning vacations, making a list of new restaurants to try, and counting down the days until I can safely visit my family. During this time, I want to encourage you to do the same!
Being primarily a vacation destination, Orange Beach has missed out on one of our busiest seasons of the year: Spring Break. Although Spring Break has come and gone, we hope this all clears up for an amazing summer on the beach.
Our on-site rental company, Caribe Realty, has been working diligently with guests that are unable to travel at this time to accommodate their needs and get them rebooked for later in the year. We hope if you missed out on a highly-anticipated trip this Spring, that you will be more than ready to visit us when it’s safe again. Pro tip: Book a future vacation today so you have something to look forward to–you and your family deserve it!

Wash Those Hands
I mentioned I would share some tips and tricks with you to stay healthy, so let’s get to it! You might find this one obvious, and at first, I was shocked this was even being brought up by the CDC, but wash your hands as often as you can. I’ve never been a germ-freak, but I think when all of this is over, I may become one…we all should. Washing your hands can help stop the spread of bacterias and viruses. Use soap and water to wash your hands after using the restroom, before and after touching food, and as many other times as possible throughout the day. Try using a timely event to help you stay on top of your hand-washing. Set a reminder to go off if you need to, but be sure to get it done!

Avoid Your Face
If you’re like me, you have a bad habit of touching your face way too many times throughout the day. I’m not sure why I do it, a nervous habit, maybe? Nonetheless, I find myself constantly moving my hair away from my eyes, itching my nose, finding a mascara clump, or reapplying lipstick. Most of the time, I don’t even realize I’m doing it, but all of these movements are putting my health in danger. Especially during this time, I encourage you to fight your habits and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and other infectious diseases. I understand touching our face is unavoidable, but here’s a trick for you: try to touch your face right after you wash your hands, and then rewash them.

Let’s Stay Home
Never in a million years would I have thought I would be told to “not leave my house.” I took things for granted before all of this, like going to the movies, eating at restaurants, and laying on the beach. Boy, do I miss the beach. However, I understand the importance of staying home during this time. I may be a healthy, young individual, but the problem is far greater than myself. When I decide to go out in public, I put others at risk of contracting COVID-19. These other people may be immunocompromised, have other health concerns, or be at a higher risk due to their age.
If you must leave your house, use various forms of protection like gloves or masks and practice social distancing. The movie theaters, restaurants, and beaches will be ready for us when it is safe to go out again. I will never take a date night or the warm sand between my toes for granted ever again.

Be Optimistic
It’s a crazy time for everyone right now, so it’s important to remember that we’re all in this together! *Cue High School Musical Song.* Take advantage of this time to do things you may not have had the time to do before. Read the book you’ve been putting off, organize shelves or a closet in your home, pick up a new hobby, or start a DIY project! You can even use this time to call a distant family member, video chat with a group of friends, or send a letter to someone you love. There’s no better time than the present!
Another great way to spread positivity during this time is to say THANK YOU to someone. Most of us are fortunate to be able to work from home during this time, but there are employees of essential businesses that are risking their health so that we have access to the things that we need. Thank a nurse, first responder, grocery store worker, or delivery man this week.

Back Before You Know It
If you have been following along with me over the past six months, you likely have read some of my Adventure Blog posts on Caribe Resort’s website. Blogging is a passion of mine, and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to travel around Orange Beach and the surrounding areas and write about local businesses. Unfortunately, with the pandemic outbreak, I haven’t been able to go to new places around town for the last couple of weeks. I have no idea how long all of this will go on, but I hope to get back out there as soon as the “coast” is clear. Until then, feel free to read some of my previous posts, and make notes of the places I have gone that you want to check out next time you visit Orange Beach!
Let’s be optimistic, positive, and encouraging during this hectic time of our lives. Leave a comment below to share with me an act of kindness you demonstrated this week or how you are making the most of your quarantine time–I’d love to hear from you! Be on the lookout for more updates from me soon. Stay safe and healthy out there, y’all!