Gulf Shores Zoo
Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY! Conveniently located off of highway 59, the Gulf Shores Zoo is a must for all of you animal lovers out there. Each of the animals has a name and backstories on the outside of their enclosure, so as you go through the park, it is like you are getting to know them all personally.

Lions in Alabama
You know it’s hot outside when Mufasa is hiding from the sun. This majestic beast looks regal even napping. The African Lion is an endangered species, and the projected number of lions left in the wild is less than 30,000. Male lions mane begins to grow around 11 months of age. In the wild, they live between 8-10 years, but in captivity, they average between 16 to 18 years.

Lemurs and the Beach
Lemurs tend to agree more with the hottest day of the summer than the rest, being from a tropical climate. The Red Ruffed Lemur are Madagascar natives who eat mostly fruits, nectar, and pollen. Lemurs are also an endangered species, with over 80% of their population declining over the years due to illegal logging of rare hardwood trees, hunting, and severe weather. While in captivity, their average life span is 25 years, compared to the wild where they only live to be 15-20 years old.

Wolf Pack
The progenitor species of man’s best friend seems to be right out of a scene of Game of Thrones. The Gray Wolf roams in nearly every habitat from the arctic, deserts, forests, or prairies. A pack of wolves hunts within an area ranging from 50-1000 square miles! The Gray Wolf is not an endangered species thanks to the efforts of conservations, bringing them back from the brink of extinction. In the wild Gray Wolves live between 5-6 years, while in captivity they live for about 15 years. That’s 93 years in dog years!

They’re Grrreat!
This isn’t the circus, but Tigers love to play with barrels! Natives to dry, tropical, and mangrove forests. Bengal Tigers are an endangered species projected to have only 2,500 left in the wild. I was not able to find any information on the White Tiger from the photo, but they sure were pretty. In the wild, they live 8-10 years, and in captivity between 16-18 years.

Baboons pace Gulf Shores
I watched a baboon pace for at least 10 minutes; clearly, he had a ton on his mind, but alas, the language barrier kept me from getting any more information. The Hamadryas Baboons red-colored pads on the baboon’s butt are called ischial callosities. Baboon troops consist of one male and the rest female. A male will make his troop around three years old, where a female will find a new male every 2-3 years. Whether in captivity or the wild, baboons live to be about 35 years old.

Stay Caribe
I only scratched the surface of the animals in the zoo, not even going to talk about the baby Kangaroo’s who were adorable. You’ll need to go and see for yourself! Be sure to check out the Gulf Shores Zoo at their website here to purchase tickets or get even more information! We hope you can experience the magic of the animal kingdom on your next beach get-away. As always follow us, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest to see our beautiful resort and don’t forget to stay Caribe.